Career Advice

If you dream about becoming a cabin crew it is important to take the right training  from the right Academy  who can actually guide you and show you the path to get placed with  Airline. You must know about the recruitment process of the Airline, you are applying for. Every Airline has different parameters but similar eligibility criteria to hire Cabin Crew.  For instance, Education, Height, weight, Eye sight etc. You must know that the first part of your preparation for airline is "knowing about the airline's requirement and the requirement must have answer of below questionnaires before you start your journey.

What is the Airlines guidelines to be a Cabin Crew?

What type of person they want to hire?

Do you really need Airport or flight exposure?

What sort of training is required to be Cabin Crew?

Do you fit into Airline Eligibility criteria?

What is the source of getting Airline jobs?

If you have clear answer of all these questions then you must pursue your journey towards your destination and if you still confused..... contact us and book your time slot with our Aviation experts.

Call: 0172-5074635


OSCAR AHA (Air Hostess Academy) Proudly announce to be the first Air Hostess Academy of its kind having a policy of 100% fee Return*(Incase no Scholarship Claimed).


No refund will be initiated before July 2021.

OSCAR AHA (Air Hostess Academy) Declares to provide 100% job assistance to the deserving candidates only For Cabin Crew jobs.

OSCAR AHA (Air Hostess Academy) Also declares that non of the airlines asks for any sort of Aviation/Hospitality/Travel & Tourism Management diploma or degree to join as cabin crew in aviation sector.

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